Thursday, July 28, 2011

Creating Your Own Retro Shapewear

"Most modern women consider it a blessing that we’ve escaped the eras of the corset and girdle. Sure, shapewear still exists, but it’s purely optional now. However, many young seamstresses who sew from vintage patterns are seeking out the foundation garments of the 40s, 50s, and 60s to get a truly authentic retro look."

There's an appeal to all things vintage. Many still seek the old glamour of the foundation garments of decades ago, and some even want to make some for themselves. For those interested in creating their own retro shapewear, sewing blogger Gertie provides a few tips in this blog at BurdaStyle.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Shapewear gives us that hourglass figure!

Great shapewear article on the Fashion Blog at

Physical beauty is the first thing that everyone notices and is something that a few are gifted with. Heads turn twice when a beautiful body passes by. However, most of us are not lucky enough to be endowed with a Marilyn Monroe figure, which is why we have shapewear come to our rescue. Shapewear is something most women, and yes, men too, need to add to their closet. The underclothing is meant to fit the body, and is a perfect body contouring tool. Any bulky flab and sagging skin is gently tightened without any feeling of discomfort. It would be best to call shapewear a magnificent trimming suit.