Friday, March 23, 2012

Mad Men This Sunday!

The premier of the fifth season of Mad Men is this Sunday! It's been over a year, so if you can't quite remember what happened in the last season, here's a quick summary of the characters to freshen up your memory on Jezebel.

"It's been almost 18 months since the most recent episode of Mad Men. Do you even remember what happened? Something about a pregnancy and an engagement and financial ruin? With the premiere of the fifth season this Sunday, we have a primer on all the happenings of fledgling ad agency Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce and its employees."
Read them here:

Friday, March 9, 2012

Shapewear Tips!

Having shapewear troubles? Tyra Banks knows how you feel. In fact, she has solutions to share for the most common shapewear problems she's encountered in her carreer.
Tyra and vogue contributing editor Andre Leon Talley discuss shapewear's history, usefulness, and tips on Fa-Fa-Fa Fashion!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Busty Girl's Style Guide

For women with fuller chests, finding clothing that fits right on her figure is a bit more of a challenge. With the right style and sense of what works with your body type, clothing shopping isn't about limitation. See refinery29's style guide for busty women and perfect your style in a way that suits your assets!

For a woman with curves, knowing what to wear is not about limitation, but rather about really perfecting what works. I credit my know-how from countless hours in store dressing rooms and the experience of always ordering everything in two sizes, but I've also tapped some real professional help to assemble the tips every, ahem, extra-blessed woman should know.

Jessica Paster, whose past celebrity clientele including curvy beauties like Jennifer Hudson and Jessica Simpson, is a wiz when it comes to what to wear to keep it classy without hiding your frame. Pulling out some tried-and-true items from my own closet, I've taken Jessica's tips to heart (and added in a few of my own) to help demonstrate the six ways to show off your personal style without ever making a sacrifice for the sake of anatomy.